The Kingfisher Science Encyclopedia

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Science and technology is a part of our past, present and future. It makes up everything we do and everything we are. Split into ten thematic chapters, The Kingfisher Science Encyclopedia explores key scientific fields including space and time, technology, power, the human body and the environment. This newly revised fourth edition details the very latest facts and data with clear text and more than 1000 photos and illustrations to inform and amaze. It has been fully updated by expert authors to include the latest groundbreaking discoveries in the world of science, including SpaceX launches, the fight against climate change, and the advancement of AI. What’s more, this new edition is enhanced with over 20 annotated 3D Augmented Reality models to enrich the learning experience. Simply download the free AR app to your smartphone or tablet, and scan the pages of the book whenever you see the AR symbol.

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    Product Details

    • Dimensions
      27.5 x 21.5 x 2 cm
    • Weight
      0.265 g
    • ISBN
    • Language

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