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Eddie’s passion for good food and great flavours is evident in every dish and doesn’t disappoint’? Gordon Ramsay, OBEFROM UK MASTERCHEF CHAMPION EDDIE SCOTT comes MISARANA – a collection of everyday European meals brought to life with a blend of Indian spicesBest known for his maximum impact, minimal effort meals, Eddie Scott won the competition and adoration of the public with his heartfelt approach to food. In MISARANA, which translates as fusion in Punjabi, he draws upon his unique memories and heritage (cooking amazing homemade meals with his grandparents, eating in bustling French bistros on family holidays, visiting the vibrant street food stalls in India and travelling the world as a Marine Pilot) to create a collection of inspirational, yet relatable dishes.

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    Product Details

    • Dimensions
      24.38 x 18.8 x 2.54 cm
    • Weight
      0.93 g
    • ISBN
    • Language

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