
The Lady on the Horse and Other Secrets – A Novel

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Spanning over a century, The Lady on the Horse tells the story of five generations of a family in Calcutta. Starting life as a khansama in an Englishman?s house in 1900, Dipendra Nath Lahiri dreams of acquiring the wealth and status of a zamindar. His wife Pritilata?s skills as a seamstress?much sought after by the memsahibs? become the means, and by 1919, their tailoring business, Lahiri & Sons, has made them fabulously rich and they?ve bought a grand mansion, Lahiri Bari. Their progeny can live a life of leisure, at par with the white sahibs Dipendra Nath and Pritilata had once served.

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    Product Details

    • Dimensions
      21.5 x 14.2 x 2 cm
    • Weight
      300 g
    • ISBN
    • Publisher
    • Binding
    • Language

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