The Official Game Of Thrones Cookbook

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From the world of George R. R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire comes a collection of 80 delicious recipes inspired by the histories of Westeros, Essos, and beyond.For those who long to dine with the Dragonlords of Old Valyria or quaff a cup of mead with King Robert I, The Official Game of Thrones Cookbook unlocks the vast culinary world of George R. R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire. Presented as the in-world manuscript of a Citadel maester, these eighty recipes take the reader on a delectable journey throughout the Seven Kingdoms, across the Narrow Sea, and back into the annals of history.The book is created by Chelsea Monroe-Cassel, who tends the popular “Inn at the Crossroads” food blog and co-authored A Feast of Ice and Fire. Her Maester Alton is curious, food-obsessed, and loves the fare of the highborn and small folk alike. His recipes evoke the world’s regions, history, and stories in a charming and knowledgeable voice.

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    Product Details

    • Dimensions
      26.01 x 20.9 x 1.19 cm
    • Weight
      1.8 g
    • ISBN
    • Language

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