Treasurer Of Piggy Banks

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As a poet, Vinod Kumar Shukla wishes to retain a meticulous record and also to create a body of knowledge. The subject of this activity is his, and other things?, relationship to the universe, whichever bit of the universe preoccupies Shukla at that moment: a kitchen, a lane, a bus-stop, or a market. A persistent logic characterises the poetry, as well as a language that?s mathematical-scientific in scope, never neglecting the benefits of using tautology (?The blurred tree was exactly like a tree?) or reiterating the obvious (?Inside the prison is Nelson Mandela?). Throughout the work glimmers a liberating fact that lies outside the remit of mathematics: the universe and our place in it are unknowable. The poet arrives at no illumination; we do.

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    Product Details

    • Dimensions
      23.5 x 15.29 x 1.19 cm
    • Weight
      0.24 g
    • ISBN
    • Language

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