
Mindf**ked: When It’s 4 a.m. and You Can’t Stop Overthinking?


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It’s 4 a.m. but you’re tossing and turning, unable to sleep because your mind refuses to stop thinking. Be it something about yourself, about someone else, about a place, an event, the past, the future … you can’t stop overthinking! It’s normal to think about these things sometimes in the course of the day. But constantly having nagging thoughts that refuse to leave your mind leads to a lot of problems and complications. It affects your mental health, spoils your mood and can cause fights and issues in your personal and professional life. In his new book, Mindf**ked: When It’s 4 a.m. and You Can’t Stop Overthinking, Anubhav Agrawal, author of the national bestseller Why Not Me? A Feeling of Millions, provides easy-to-follow solutions and tips to help overcome the problem of overthinking. Read this book to find out how you can calm your mind and lead a peaceful and happy life.

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    Product Details

    • Dimensions
      13 x 2 x 20 cm
    • Weight
      500 g
    • ISBN
    • Publisher
      Harper collins
    • Binding
    • Language

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