The Gastric Mind Band®: The Proven, Pain-Free Alternative to Weight-Loss Surgery

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Gastric mind Band therapy provides the answer to understanding andoverturning your weight loss woes. No guilt, rules, or rigidcalorie counting, and nothing banned. Just re-establishing a normalrelationship with something you’ve got to face every day. Now youcan read about the GmB phenomenon for yourself. Experience some ofthe many benefits without leaving home. The Shirrans are a breathof fresh air …they ask: ‘why shouldn’t you be hungry? What’swrong with hunger?’ If your weight problem – and the global obesityepidemic – are to be overcome, hunger should be understood andembraced, not feared. This book will give you the relationship withfood you always dreamed of. Learn: how to use the GmB mental PauseButton to freeze time and save you from yourself about the dieting’conspiracy’ that’s been keeping you feeling helpless and stuck howto have the level of motivation and control around food that you’vebeen longing for how to harness the power of the subconscious mind.

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    Product Details

    • Dimensions
      13.97 x 21.59 x 1.75 cm
    • Weight
      400 g
    • ISBN
    • Publisher
    • Binding
      Paper Back
    • Language

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